General Characteristics
Age: | 57 years |
Gender: | Female |
Disease Origin: | Sacral |
Disease Status: | Recurrent |
Prior Radiation: | No |
Prior Systemic Therapy: | No |
Source: | Beate Rinner and Bernadette Liegl Medical University of Graz |
Molecular Features
Cell Morphology: | Physaliferous |
TBXT Expression: | Positive; 10x that of U-CH2 and with T amplification |
TBXT Localization: | Nuclear |
CD24 Expression: | Positive; 4x that of U-CH2 |
HLA Type: | A11 |
Sequence Data: | WGS, exome and transcriptome data available: raw sequencing data in Cavatica (Chordoma Foundation Dataset) and summary data in PedcBioportal. Contact with any questions. |
SMARCB1 Status: | Wild-type |
Validation Results: | Validation Report |
Growth Conditions
Growth Medium: | IMDM: RPMI-1640 (4:1) +10% FBS |
Freeze Medium: | 70% complete growth medium supplemented with an additional 20% fetal bovine serum and 10% DMSO |
Culture Conditions: | Temperature: 37°C Atmosphere: air, 95%; carbon dioxide (CO2), 5% |
Subculturing Instructions: | Cell Culture Procedures |
Characterized By:
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