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Piyush Kant


I was diagnosed with a skull base chordoma on January 2, 2024.

I had no symptoms before I was diagnosed. I had no idea that I had a tumor; I was living a perfect healthy life. Mine was an incidental finding — I slipped on a wet floor, and then had to get an MRI, which is when the tumor was detected. On January 25, I had surgery done through my nose. On May 14, I started proton therapy (32 fractions).

I am doing fine as of now. I just completed proton therapy, and I am experiencing some side effects. My family and my friends are the greatest strength in this hard time.

The Chordoma Foundation is a place where I can find resources and support very clearly and easily. All the information I get from the Foundation is precise and helpful.

Don’t lose hope, don’t read too much on Google, trust your doctor, and have faith.

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